Big Brother Dr. Lyle and Little Brother Kyle have been matched now for almost two years. They will be celebrating their 2 year anniversary next month.
These two have been through a lot together in their match and have come a long way! Little Brother Kyle has lost a lot of male role models in his life- including his father. His mom wanted him to be in the program to have a black role model, since Kyle was now missing that. Dr. Lyle was the perfect fit for Kyle, as he has had a lot of life experiences himself. Dr. Lyle decided to become a mentors because “it’s an opportunity to give back and invest in our future leaders. ” He likes that being a Big allows him to expose his Little to new things and broaden his horizon.
Dr. Lyle has helped Kyle excel in school, and his personal life as he has gotten very involved at Kyle’s school in order to help him overcome some of those challenges. Kyle has grown in his social skills and confidence by working with Dr. Lyle on a weekly basis.
“I really love my little. He’s an A student. A person with great personality and intelligence,” Says Dr. Lyle. ” He’s had an adverse background, however, my little has a lot of ambition. He wants to be Paleontologist. I think that’s big a big deal for little person.” On one of their outings, the pair took a trip to explore Discovery Center at Murfree Spring where Kyle was able to get a first look at fossils and the work that Paleontologists do. Dr. Lyle noted that this experience showed Kyle being a Paleontologist was doable.
Kyle and Dr. Lyle have enjoyed many match activities together, their latest one being the MTSU basketball game! Dr. Lyle and Kyle plan to be “brothers for life” and we are so glad to celebrate their special bond this month!
Of the 157 ready-to-be-matched youth currently on our waiting list, 109 are African American. Of the 109 African American youth 78 are male. We are in desperate need of African American men and women to answer the call and become mentors. Click HERE to find out more information and start your mentorship journey.